
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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Environmentally Friendly Refrigerant


For many years, Freon-brand R-22 was the refrigerant of choice for residential air-conditioning systems, but we have known for some time now that its manufacture results in a dangerous byproduct that adversely affects the environment and the EPA has been phasing it out for several years.

Since 2010, manufacturers of residential and commercial air conditioning systems have been prohibited from manufacturing equipment that uses R-22 and starting January 1, 2020, the manufacture and import of R-22, which is considered a greenhouse gas, will be banned in the United States.

There is currently no EPA requirement to replace or convert R-22 units for use with a non-ozone-depleting refrigerant so older units can still be serviced with R-22 that has been recovered, recycled and reclaimed, but customers using older equipment will see skyrocketing maintenance costs.

Knowing the impact that this phase out would have on customers with systems that use R-22, Sean McCutcheon’s Air conditioning and Heating began recommending systems that use earth- friendly alternatives like Puron® (R-410A) in 2004.

Unfortunately, not all air conditioning companies were as forthright regarding how long R-22 would be available and customers with older units are now seeing exorbitant maintenance costs. In fact, what little R-22 is still available for purchase has already increased to over $100.00 per lb.

If your Air Conditioning system is more than 10 years old, a new Energy -Star® rated product could save you as much as 40% on your heating and cooling costs and you don’t have to worry about skyrocketing maintenance costs or causing harm to the environment.

If the repair and maintenance costs on your old unit are getting to be too much, call Sean McCutcheon’s Air Conditioning and Heating at 941-921-7208. We’ll help you find the perfect unit for your needs.


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